Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Why I blew off a Tuesday blog post

Why I blew off a Tuesday blog post
Why did I blow off tossing out a post last night?

I can think of a lot of perfectly good reasons. First, I was having some trouble with the laptop. My mouse pointer was not visible in some applications. That made it hard to navigate around and get programs and features to function properly. I finally ended up rebooting the laptop and that seemed to clear everything up.

Then, I had a gianormous amount of middle aged women from Russia, Thailand, China, and a bunch of other third world countries adding me to their ICQ contact lists. It seems it is open season on single older American men.

Oh yes, I forgot to add, for these women, that the season started six weeks ago and there is no limit.

I guess I must be prime flesh for these women since I live at the beach near Los Angeles. Let’s face it; any place warm and sunny, when it is -10F/-17C outside your door, has to be about next best place to live.

I went to the market on the way home from work last night. I was running low on food. My local market seems to be getting really shabby and seedy. The selection and quality seems to be declining. I guess it is time to look for a new market. Those reasons and the fact that the checkers seems to have forgotten how to smile or at least fake being pleasant to the customers have made me feel unwelcome. I can remember when the market had really friendly checkers who made going there worthwhile.

Lastly, I was tired. For some reason, I just exhausted even though I had not done any physical work aside from refill the water cooler. The mental work was limited. Then too, I was a little bummed because the management of the company has not signed the contract for a new program that everyone seems to want. Nothing is going to happen unless someone steps up to the plate and signs a contract. I really should not worry because I am not responsible for the project’s completion.

Missed Phone Calls
I made some phone calls today.

One call was to my dissertation committee chair. I wanted to make an appointment to go see him and discuss how he wanted to proceed with the project. The School has a dissertation guide but every chair has his or her own way of interpreting the guide and how to write an excellent dissertation.

All I want to do is finish the damn thing and get on with my life. I have already mentally agreed to forgo most female companionship until I finish the project. That is clearly no fun at all.

The other call was a follow-up on the recruiter interview from last Thursday that lasted for what seemed like forever. I wanted to follow up and see if one of the company’s clients had any interest in me. Since I haven’t received a phone call yet, I am assuming there is no interest in me and that is acceptable. I was going to say that was fine but I want to find a full time job with someone so it is not fine for me.

No one returned any of my calls.

Life happens and people get bored. Things and the blog will be better next week.

Be well and stay happy.


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