Saturday, June 21, 2008

Me and the Cancer

Me and the Cancer
Yesterday was another visit with the oncologists. Overall, Doug and I think it was one of the best visits we have had so far. I think our success can be attributable to me dressing up; it made the nurses happy and they got me processed quickly.

We didn’t discuss my colon much since it seems to be well under control. There were no signs of cancer in my colon when the clinic did an extensive test in May.

The attention has shifted to my liver and the spots on it. The doctor referred to the spots as lesions for the first time today. The doctor will be scheduling another MRI examination for me and my liver. This is an easy process; I just have to lie still while they scan me. I can do that all day long.

Dr. Kwan also has scheduled me for another surgical conference. This is likely to be a preliminary discussion of a potential liver resection [open me up and look at the spots or lesions up close] and likely biopsy. That makes sense since I will be open and under anesthesia.

I anticipate that I will have another round of chemotherapy after the liver resection. I think this will just be a precautionary measure to make certain all of the cancer cells have been killed off. I can do that; I managed to deal with the combination of Oxaliplatin and Xeloda for the last six months.

Dr. Kwan said I could have my PICC line removed. The PICC is a semi-permanent catheter that is in my arm. It has been used for the Oxaliplatin infusions. Doug asked if it made more sense to leave the PICC in my arm if there is a possibility of more chemotherapy. Dr. Kwan said it was relatively easy to put a new line in my arm.

I said that I would prefer to have it out so I could take long, hot showers. In the end, my long, hot showers won out over keeping the line in my arm.

Then, the prospect of the Baby Blues putting another PICC line in my arm was not unpleasant for me.

All in all, I think this was a good day for me and my battle with cancer.

Be well and stay happy.


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