Monday, March 07, 2005

The television is back on

Good evening gentle readers.

My television is back functioning tonight after spending three and a half days trying to find a phone number for those clowns at Adelphia Communications. I can see why the company went into the bankruptcy toilet a couple of years ago and is still there today.

Crummy service will sink a company every time along with corrupt management.

They did not want to hear from unhappy customers so they pulled all of the local service numbers. Now, you have to find them on the Internet to get a phone number.

The next struggle will be to get a refund for the four days I had no cable service.

[Note to self: check out satellite television service to replace Adelphia while on your vacation.]

Tomorrow is local elections and I have not figured out who to vote for. Most of the inch or so of campaign mailers paints everyone else as an absolute scoundrel while portraying the sender as a paragon of virtue and honesty. I think I may just vote no wherever I can.

I got an email from my niece that is getting married in July. She needed some addresses so she could send out the invitations. I don't know why my brother lazed about and passed off the task to me. I know he has my address and that of The Big Guy.

It looks like I will be going to Seattle in July. I wonder if it will rain? Probably so. Now all I need to do is figure out what to get the newlyweds. And, then find a way to get it to Seattle. There's always Federal Express.

This is a short blog posting because nothing much else happened to me today that was significant in the grander scheme of things.

Be well and stay happy.


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