A Teaching Schedule Finally
I do have a teaching schedule for the next term. I guess the school still likes me as an instructor. I thanked the Associate Dean for the schedule. He gave me four classes. He was surprised when I mentioned to him that I must be his Super Utility Instructor since I have taught 22 different subjects at the school over the last three years.
My schedule includes a night class, Composition II, one that I had asked for this term; and three days classes, Group Dynamics, a new course for me, and two sections of Professional Procedures. I did not ask for the Professional Procedures course.
I am glad because I only have one new course to prepare for this term. That will make my Spring a bit easier.
One of the instructors was putting on a bitter and angry act on Monday night. He had only been given one class to teach. He was complaining about the unfair deal he received. He probably picked up the minimal assignment because he doesn’t follow the school’s standard curriculum.
I know enough about office or school politics to know that you have to be a team player and follow the game plan when you work in a regulated industry like education. Education, in addition to the state and federal governments, is also regulated by the accreditation agencies which is almost the same as a government agency.
I don’t complain or grouse and moan. I accept my assignments without complaint. I will help out at the last moment when another instructor cancels out.
Excellent for me.
My Students
As most of you know, I do not write very much about my students. I do this because they are with me for only a few months and then I get a new set of students.
On Tuesday, one of my students who I have been helping a great deal with her self esteem, life planning, and writing told me that her family was going to have a large graduation party with all of the relatives for her.
Good family.
Then, she said that she wanted me to talk to the family about her for twenty minutes or so.
I was obviously very surprised and honored by her request. I said I would, all other things being equal, be glad to talk for about maybe for about five or ten minutes. She was disappointed but agreed that ten minutes was a ice time length for me to talk about her to her family.
I think this is more about her self esteem than anything else. Having a college professor, that’s how I will be introduced; talk about how good of a student she is will act to validate her self worth in her eyes and those of her family and help raise her self esteem.
Haircut or Styling
I went to see Molly the Stylist today. Today was my regular appointment.
Molly was quiet beside herself at how good my hair looked when I arrived at the salon. She was very pleased with the job she had done about a month ago. I was fairly shaggy and had rather unruly hair that grew out from the December cutting. I was pleased with the appearance of my hair.
I asked Molly what she thought of my moustache. I told her that I was surveying the women in my life about whether I should keep it or cut it off. Molly was surprised at my choice of words but understood my meaning when I said that I have been seeing her regularly for going on a year. That qualified her as being a woman in my life.
I told Molly that I will ask Dr. Karen and the Princess as well.
Molly said the moustache should go.
I decided to give Molly an avatar since she doesn’t like to have her photo taken. As some of you may notice, this is from the set of avatars that Dr. Karen selected hers from. Molly has some incredibly attractive blue eyes and so this one seems to be the most appropriate.
Tihana the Barista
I finally caught up with Tihana the Barista today on my way home from seeing Molly.
I hadn’t seen her or had one of her most excellent ice blended drinks in probably a month or longer. I thought that I had either just missed her on Wednesdays, the day I used to stop by the Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf for my drink, or that she was no longer working at the Bean.
It turns out that I was wrong on both counts.
Tihana has a new schedule at school and has classes on Wednesdays now. That explained a great deal because she greeted me with a big smile and a very friendly, “where have you been hiding?” greeting.
Now, I will be going to the Bean on Thursday afternoons since Tihana thought she would be there for the middle of the day.
The large ice blended was perfect this afternoon. I almost finished in my drive home; a distance of a little over a mile. I did miss some lights so I had time to sip while I was stopped for a traffic signal.
The blog’s visitor count grew last week to 525.
It was difficult to tell if the traffic was coming from the United States or from Europe because the Sitemeter counter only tracks the most recent 100 visitors. With sometimes 70 visitors a day, I lost my ability to measure where the visitors are coming from.
In our constantly changing world, it is always wonderful to discover that some constants still exist. The most popular page by far is January 1, 2007. The last time I checked the page traffic; this page had about 82% of the traffic.
I do appreciate all of you who stop by the blog from time to time.
Be well and stay happy.